
Respect • Kindness • Teamwork • Challenge Yourself

Volunteer Declaration Form


We thank all our parents who generously volunteer their time and energy to support our school community. There are some changes to the Working with Children Check policy, to ensure the safety of children when we have volunteers in the school.

If you would like to volunteer at our school, you will need to sign a ‘Parent and child volunteer declaration form’.  You cannot volunteer if you have a current Working with Children Negative Notice or Interim Negative Notice.

These changes affect parents who are engaged in volunteer work. For example, you are considered a volunteer when you assist with activities such as reading sessions, day excursions, canteen duties, helping at a sports carnival or carrying out P&C duties.

You are not a volunteer when:

  • picking up and dropping off your child
  • observing events like school assemblies
  • attending parent and teacher interviews

You will be asked to complete the form annually if you want to continue volunteering at the school. If your circumstances change, and you are issued with a Negative Notice or Interim Negative Notice after completing the ‘Parent and child volunteer declaration form’, you must advise the principal. 

A current Working with Children Check is required by all other family members and friends over 18 years of age who want to volunteer.

It is a collective responsibility to ensure the safety of our children. We appreciate your ongoing support and dedication to our school community.

Newborough acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar people as traditional custodians of this boodja (land) and recognises their continuing spiritual connection to country and moort (family). We would like to show respect to Elders past, present and emerging. It is a privilege to waabiny (play), kadadjiny (learn) and to make bunji (friends) on Whadjuk Noongar boodja.

Newborough Primary School - BSB: 016 350 - Account Number: 340871304 - ABN: 18 606 940 077